A Plan for Peebles

The Peebles community has been working on a plan for the future of the town

This initiative is headed by the Peebles Placemaking Team, comprising members drawn from representative community groups including: the Peebles Community Trust; the Royal Burgh of Peebles and District Community Council; the Peebles Civic Society; and others.

The Peebles Placemaking Team expressed an interest with the Scottish Borders Council in developing A Plan for Peebles to bring together a range of visions and aspirations to guide any future development of Peebles.

We want to hear your thoughts on the work done to date and help to build the next steps. Find out more below.  

Peebles Placemaking Team, supported by the Scottish Borders Council’s Place Programme, has appointed New Practice, an external consultant, to run a public consultation the results of which will inform the development of A Plan for Peebles.

A Plan for Peebles will take the form of a Local Place Plan, with a complimentary Town Action Plan developed by the Peebles Placemaking Team and the wider community. It will include the community's visions, aspirations, and priorities to guide any future development of Peebles.

Between April and May 2024, New Practice will engage with the community of Peebles to gather thoughts and feedback on the Draft Local Place Plan prepared by the Peebles Placemaking Team.

This project provides the community with the opportunity to inform any future development happening in Peebles! There will be a variety of ways in which you can have your say on the ‘Get involved’ section.

A Local Place Plan

A Plan for Peebles will include elements of a Local Place Plan. The final document will be submitted to the Scottish Borders Council and, when registered, will form part of the decision making for future development in Peebles.

A Plan for Peebles will meet the requirements laid down by the Scottish Government for Place Plans.

The 'What is a Place Plan' tab below has more information on Local Place Plans and their position in planning legislation of Scotland.

A Town Action Plan

A Plan for Peebles will also include additional elements which will form a Town Action Plan.

This will include further outcomes, visions and aspirations drawn out through consultation, as well as highlighting potential partnerships, funding routes and other delivery routes for some of the projects of the Plan for Peebles.

What is a Local Place Plan?
About Peebles
Previous work
Who is involved?

What is a Local Place Plan?

Local Place Plans have been introduced by the Scottish Government to give communities the opportunity to have a say on what development in their area could look like. These documents aim to increase community participation into planning processes.

Once finalised and registered with the planning authority, Local Place Plans are to be taken into account in the preparation of the relevant Local Development Plan. This means that new proposed developments will have to be in line with the community's aspirations as expressed in their Local Place Plan.

A Local Place Plan also supports communities to get together, develop a community identity, and understand their priorities for their town identifying key projects and initiatives. It is a document that communicates the community’s aspirations for their town, made for and with local people. A Local Place Plan includes proposals for the development and use of land, and set principles for the town’s future. It is the opportunity you have to share your ideas and aspirations about the play you live, work and spend time in!

If you would like to find out more about Local Place Plans, please follow the links below:

Peebles is a town with history

The origin of the name Peebles is open to debate but it may have evolved from the Cumbric term 'pebyl' meaning a place where tents are pitched.

Peebles was made a Royal Burgh in 1152 by David I (of Scotland). The Burgh's importance was cemented when King William the Lion decreed that the chief courts of justice were to be held annually in either Edinburgh or Peebles. During the Wars of independence, King Edward I of England visited Peebles in 1301 and 1306. Edward appointed his man - William de Dureme - sheriff in place of Sir Simon Fraser of Neidpath, who had joined with William Wallace in his attempt to free Scotland.

In the 15th and 16th centuries many visits were made to the town by the monarchy, King James III in particular was a frequent visitor. Peebles was relatively untouched by the conflicts - both internal and external - that characterised life in the Borders at that time. There were however three major events in the 16th century. In late 1549. Peebles was almost completely razed by the English: in April 1585 the population of the Borders was directed by King James VI to meet at Peebles in May in an attempt to halt the “crimes committed on the borders” (the reiving or cross border raids) and, from 1650-51, Cromwell‘s Army occupied the town.

The 18th century was not a good time for Peebles as poverty and hunger were common in the Burgh. ln 1741, 1774 and again in 1783 the council found it necessary to purchase food for the inhabitants. The Industrial Revolution did not immediately affect Peebles and recovery from these dark years was slow. With the arrival of the railway in 1855 the town saw increased trade and industry, supporting Peebles expansion into a prosperous regional Market Town, and helping create the architecture that is most evident along the High Street.

In the 20th century, the increased ownership of the motor car after the Second World War, led to an improved road network and the line closed in 1962. Today, Peebles is the third largest town in the Borders and occupies both banks of the River Tweed. Peebles has been named 'Top Independent Retailing Town in Scotland', and placed second in the whole of the UK, which celebrates the wide range of independent shops and amenities for visitors. The road network enables people to travel easily to Edinburgh or elsewhere in the Borders.

You can find out more about Peebles through the following local resources:

What has happened already?

Peebles has historic Community Action Plans which capture the community's aspirations and identify key actions to bring positive change to the town.

With the introduction of Local Place Plans in the planning process, Peebles community members have built upon the contents of the Community Action Plans and developed a Draft Local Place Plan.

The Peebles Placemaking Team has joined forces to collect in one document visions and principles to guide the future directions of Peebles. A range of engagement tools were used to capture the views of Peebles residents by the Peebles Placemaking Team. They spoke with community members, stakeholders and local authority to find out about projects happening in the area. Thoughts collected through this first round of engagement were catalogued and divided into themes. These were then used to bring forward visions, principles and initial draft initiatives for the future of Peebles.

Based on the outcomes of previous engagement, the Peebles Placemaking Team has identified the following Themes and Strategic Ambitions for the Plan for Peebles, each of which has key goals. On analysis of findings, the focus of any plan must be to:

  • directly address poverty and disadvantage
  • provide local work and housing for those less well off
  • support mental wellbeing
  • improve community capacity to direct and manage change

5 Key Themes

  • Strengthen community capacity
  • Increased community assets
  • More skills and life-long learning
  • More local job opportunities
  • Better support for Work-from-Homes
Net Zero
  • Improve energy efficiency
  • Mitigate climate change
  • Active Travel
  • Improved Infrastructure
  • Housing
Quality of Life
  • Improved wellbeing
  • Improved accessibiity
  • Improved environment

5 Core Strategic Ambitions

  • Slow down expansion of housing
  • Resolve social and economic infrastructure
Create Local Jobs
  • New Business Park
  • Support Work-from-Home and small businesses
  • Creative Industries Cluster
Improve Access to
Services for All
  • Improve access to services
  • Promote healthier lifestyles
Build Housing
for Everyone
  • Focus on affordable housing
  • Do not build on flood plains
  • Bonnington Road Masteplan
Improve Energy
  • Optimise energy use
  • Promote renewable generation
  • Investigate community ownership

During this phase of consultation, we want to hear your thoughts on the work done so far, to find out if something is missing from these initial proposals, and to understand and represent the wider community's priorities.

Read the Draft Documents

Who is involved?

Peebles Placemaking Team

The Peebles Placemaking Team is formed by members of the community which have noted an interest in Place Making, in the Place Programme, and in the development of A Plan for Peebles.

The Placemaking Team has a number of key partners in the town, these include the Peebles Civic Society, Peebles & District Community Council and Peebles Community Trust.

Find out more about Town Teams

Scottish Borders Council

The Council is one of the partners to the Place Programme, which looks at supporting local communities within the Council boundaries to develop and submit Local Place Plans.

Find out more about the Place Programme

New Practice

New Practice is an architecture practice in Glasgow. We exist to develop the community, creative and cultural capacity of cities and to connect people with the decision making processes that underpin the urban experience.

Find out more about New Practice

New Practice have been appointed by the Peebles Placemaking Team with funding from Scottish Borders Council to support the delivery of A Plan for Peebles.

New Practice are one of the six companies which have been selected by the Place Programme partners to provide support in the delivery of Local Place Plans to Town Teams in the Scottish Borders.

Find out more about the framework

Frequently Asked Questions

To see Scottish Borders Council's answers to frequently asked questions regarding Place Plans, please follow the  link below:

Place Plan FAQs

To find out more about the work done to date in Peebles, please follow the link below:

Previous work and outcomes

To see the Scottish Government Planning circular 1/2022: Local Place Plans, please follow the link below:

Scottish Government Planning Circular